Agency New Business: Up Close and Personal…Tradigital New Business Practices that Get Results
While your new inbound program may have helped to entice a few new business conversations, it would be a mistake to underestimate the value of a personal touch. Smart and professional personal outreach is often the most important factor in turning a cold lead into a warm opportunity. Also, while some prospects prefer to privately research agency partnerships, we have found that most value agency representatives who intelligently pursue appropriate personal contact with their organization.
So, how do you engage? To start, consider these easy to implement “tradigital” strategies that combine old tactics with new ones.
Social Interaction
Many agencies are talking but few are listening and even fewer are interacting. Engaging personally with your prospects via social media is a vital business development practice.
To begin, assign an agency representative to follow the blogs and professional social channels of your top 10 prospects (preferably individuals not organizations, although both are important). Develop the habit of liking, sharing and commenting appropriately. Participate in their broad forum Linked In groups and Google+ communities.
By actively engaging with your prospect’s inbound activity you will enhance your credibility as an expert firm.
Personal Voice Messages
Although cold calls have seen a drop in effectiveness, you can turn them warm by leaving a “specialist” voice message, which succinctly details the specific reason for your call.
In the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in response rates when an effective voice message is paired with a supportive personal email. While many prospects ultimately respond via email, the initial voice message is often referenced in their response. When combined with other inbound tactics, this is a highly effective 1-2 punch.
An Oldie but a Goodie…The Handwritten Written Note
That’s right, we said it…a handwritten note (accompanied by a business card). No, this isn’t your grandmother speaking. There are some things that always work and this is one of them. Keep the copy tight and professional. Overfamiliarity is a no-no. When properly composed, this old-school executive touch is highly effective. In fact, elusive prospects often take the time to acknowledge previously ignored outreach upon receiving a personal note inquiring if they have a moment to connect.
Bottom-line: beware of simple solutions and single source advice. Create an effective new business program grounded in a deep understanding of both traditional and digital practices. Trust your instincts. Have fun and be creative in your approach. The rewards will be exponential!