Ad Agency New Business: Do It Right or Don't Do It At All
As the default social network of the future (keep your eye on Google +), Facebook continues to be a powerful relationship building tool. If you read our previous post, perhaps you have been adjusting your content strategy, getting to know your followers better by asking questions about their professional and personal interests, and testing the waters with what you have learned. Equally important to knowing what to post, however, is knowing HOW to post it. For example, consider the recent Facebook algorithm change late last month. Users will now see fewer text-only posts from Pages and the algorithm will favor Link-share posts. Link-share posts are not new, but Facebook will now push them from Pages into the News Feed. In social media terms, this is old news (nearly 30 days after the announcement). Surprisingly, though, many mid-size agencies are not implementing this change.
In more recent news, the introduction of Facebook Paper for iOS earlier this month confirms that the platform’s future is mobile. Paper is an uncluttered, distraction-free news vehicle that provides users with a slower and more thoughtful reading experience (completely counter to Twitter). Paper is sourcing new and better content for users and encouraging more engagement with what people are sharing. Users will likely spend more time with stories, making the delivery of content that inspires engagement and sharing even more critical.
Make no mistake, your prospects view your social activity as a reflection of your ability. When you lack audience engagement, you weaken your agency’s position. So, capitalize on new trends early and take the time to post good content well.