Ad Agency New Business: Blogging for Agency New Business: Pick One Thing & Do It Well

Blogging is an essential part of any comprehensive agency new business program. If done well, it can bolster your position and help convert prospects to clients. Unfortunately, many firms struggle with maintaining an effective effort. And, although there are no quick fixes, there are ways to streamline the process – starting with your content strategy.

Ask yourself this question:  Are your blog subjects unified or do they bounce from topic to topic?

FACT - Specialist agencies win more business than generalist firms. 

Ergo, your blog must reflect and reinforce your specialist position.  Derek Halpern from Social Triggers puts it best,  “Dig one hole 100 feet deep, not one hundred holes 1 foot deep.”

Stop writing if your themes are general and shifting. Examine your agency’s position and select narrow topics that provide real solutions to very niche audiences. Then commit to a series of scheduled posts and dive deep.

And, while you are at it, check out Derek’s website Social Triggers and his online course – The Blog That Converts. Both are great resources, filled with practical advice designed to help you create a winning blog.

We get it. Effective blogging is a big commitment. But, the competitive advantage it affords will far outweigh the work involved.
